Happy Birthday, Doc!

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    The 25th annual WHW Expository Preaching & Teaching Conference is taking place this week in Los Angeles.

    This conference means a lot to me, for several reasons.

    First of all, the WHW Conference taught me principles of Bible study that I still use to this day. When I went to the first WHW Conference, I was already convinced that expository preaching was the most faithful way to handle the scriptures. But this conference taught me practical steps for studying words, grammar, context, and culture.

    Over the years, this conference has been greatly used to help many preachers and teachers rightly handle the word of truth. And I thank God that it is still going strong.

    But I have a greater reason for fondly remembering this conference.

    IMG_2720I attended WHW fifteen years ago. But I missed the last day to fly to preach in Atlanta. That night, Crystal gave birth to our son, H.B. Charles III. He was born almost two months premature. But he was strong and God was faithful.

    Today, my son turns fifteen-years-old. And I cannot be more proud of the young man he is becoming!

    When he was a boy, H.B. would hear me talk to preacher friends, whom I affectionately called “Doc.” One day, H.B. asked me why I called them “Doc.” I told him that they are my friends and I often give nicknames to people I love. He said, “Well, if you love me, why don’t you call me Doc!” And he’s been my Doc every since.

    IMG_1176Happy Birthday, Doc!


    H.B. Charles Jr.

    Pastor-Teacher at the Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church of Jacksonville and Orange Park, Florida.